We are the agro-dependent country. More than 60% of our population depends on agriculture & its ancillary. In urge of more and more production, we adopted green revolution practice with use of synthetic artificial chemicals as fertilizers & pesticides. This system gave enhanced yields for one or two decades. But gradually, darker side of green revolution was sensed. But by the time, our soils were depleted, soil biology was almost destroyed by usage of synthetic chemicals. Crop yields started dropping down rapidly. To maintain yield levels, excessive usage of chemicals was un-avoidable. This has affected on crop health. More and more pests & diseases problems were also one of the major side effects. Agri pollution was increased in soil as well as ground water. Economy of agriculture started in descending direction. At present we are on the verge of destruction. If the effective strong and serious efforts are not taken now, our precious soil will turn in dead soil, useless for agriculture.

To overcome this situation and to break this vicious circle, worldwide many brains are working on getting solutions. The common focus is to increase humus to improve soil organic carbon & to restore soil biology. We at “KRUSHEEVED” are also working for last few years on this issue. We have developed special system, techniques and products to revive our soils. Many trials were taken with different parameters to refine and finalized this system. This development is a continuous process.

Major food of plant is prepared by plant using sunlight, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon from atmosphere. Very less food is required by plant from soil. The key is to 5% organic matter. When the synthetic chemicals are added to soil, it slowly destroys 10% organisms, slowly leading to dead soil. Once this gets imbalanced, it automatically creates pests & diseases problems. Moreover, only 5 to10 % of applied chemicals remain available. Rest pollutes ground water. So always main focus is to maintain soil humus and soil biology.

Soil Improvement Technique Of KRUSHEEVED –

This is the key of our farming system. It improves organic soil carbon & restores soil microbiology, quality & health. There are 5 set of soil applications of specially developed products mainly Bhumee-G, Grorich, Fertful and Growmax. The application span is of 61 days.

Soil Nourishment Technique Of KRUSHEEVED –

This system feeds soil biology and also adds humus to soil. It provides food to soil organisms. There are 8 set of applications of specially developed products mainly Poshak-G, Bhumee-G and Fertful. The application span is of 270 days.

Crop Nourishment & Protection Technique Of KRUSHEEVED –

This system feeds & if required protects crop as well as soil. There are various crop specific applications of SNS as well as other brand products to be used to protect crop and amplify yields to magical levels and so profits.